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                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  The division of maritime transport operations:

                  Split operation refers to a transportation field in a container liner between the transportation of a single special container and the transportation of a general cargo ship. When the loaded oversize or overweight cargo is placed on the single frame box, at the same time The lifting point of the frame box is blocked, or the height or width of the cargo has exceeded the lifting limit or the limit of land transportation, and the cargo weight exceeds the maximum load of the single frame box. The shipowner cannot transport Zhuangzi Ayu on a single frame box. , The shipping or freight forwarder will advise the owner to use the method of separating the container from the cargo, that is, according to the size, shape and reinforcement requirements of the cargo, first lay one or several frame cabinets on the container ship’s warehouse. , Forming a "pallet space". When the cargo is hoisted to the "pallet space", the reinforcement workers will bind and reinforce on the ship. After the mother ship arrives at the destination port, they will untie the lashing on the ship again, and then separate the cargo from the frame box. After that, they were unloaded and disembarked separately.

                  Split operation transportation is a professional container ship transportation program with many links and complicated processes. It requires the participation and cooperation of shipowners, shipping agents, and freight forwarders. Each loading and unloading link is strictly controlled during the operation to ensure smooth cargo loading. And arrive at the port safely, subdivided into each business order, need to be sent to the shipowner in written or mail in advance by the shipper or shipping agent, including: the number of frame boxes, the stowage plan of the container ship, the packaging of the goods, the center of gravity and the crane Point, the provider of the lashing material, the horizontal transportation method, the on-site notary, etc., and the related expenses are confirmed at the terminal before the operation.


                BREAKBULK FLAT RACK

                Split operation refers to a transportation field in a container liner between the transportation of a single special container and the transportation of a general cargo ship. When the loaded oversize or overweight cargo is placed on the single frame box, at the same time The lifting point of the frame box is blocked, or the height or width of the cargo has exceeded the lifting limit or the limit of land transportation,
