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                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  Open-top container shipping sector:

                  An open top container is a container with an open top. The other structural parts are similar to ordinary dry cargo containers. Because of the different top materials, they can be divided into hard open top and soft open top. The top of the hard open top container is a piece that can be disassembled. Nowadays, many shipowners can provide the steel box roof; the soft open-top container is composed of multiple removable beams and removable foldable canvas, which can be provided by all shipowners at present. The box is suitable for loading taller large cargo and heavy cargo that needs to be loaded and unloaded vertically, and the height of the cargo can exceed the top of the box itself. Generally, the height of the cargo is 4 meters, and the shipowner can accept booking and shipment.


                OPEN TOP

                An open top container is a container with an open top. The other structural parts are similar to ordinary dry cargo containers. Because of the different top materials, they can be divided into hard open top and soft open top. The top of the hard open top container is a piece that can be disassembled. Nowadays,
