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                China Golden Bright Project Logistics  Co.,Ltd  was established in 2003. After years of development and growth, it has now become a collection of water, steam, and rail combined transportation (oversized transportation, container transportation, dangerous goods transportation, etc.), import and export goods (booking, customs declaration, and congestion). Etc.), warehousing, distribution, and transportation information comprehensive professional logistics enterprise. The company has been committed to Shanghai port logistics business for a long time, providing customers with timely and high-quality overall logistics services and solutions. In 2015, it passed ISO9001 quality management certification and HSE environmental management system certification, and became one of the designated carriers of China Transmission Group Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Industry Group Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Huaming High Technology (Group) Co., Ltd.

                The company adheres to the corporate spirit of "professionalism, dedication, and our business", adheres to the value concept of "integrity, harmony, and excellence", and is committed to providing our customers with safe, timely, accurate, economical and thoughtful global integrated logistics services.

                In order to maintain this reputation and status, since 2014, the company has established a comprehensive quality assurance system for customers in accordance with the ISO9000 quality standard. Faced with complex and changeable logistics links, the company relies on its own logistics technology research and development team to continuously apply modern logistics information technology and Internet technology to all links of the logistics chain, and has achieved remarkable results in improving efficiency, increasing accuracy, and improving customer experience. , Widely recognized by customers at home and abroad.
