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                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  Sea transportation of frame boxes:

                  The English frame cabinet is FLAT RACK, referred to as FR cabinet. The frame cabinet is based on the ordinary cabinet with the top and side walls removed. It is characterized by no top and side walls, sometimes even the end walls are removed, leaving only the bottom plate and four corner posts, which are transported in ultra-standard containers. Plays an important role in it.

                  The frame box is a kind of container without a top and side walls. The cargo owner can stack the baffles at both ends, also called a flat panel. The bottom of the frame box is relatively thick, reaching 55 cm, suitable for loading and unloading from the top and both sides. Large, heavier cargo, and the wider and higher parts of the cargo can exceed the box itself. Half of the cargo is within 4.5 meters in width and 4 meters in height. The shipowner can basically confirm the loading, because the frame cabinet is not The sealed box, if the goods need to be waterproof and moisture-proof, you must make waterproof packaging for the goods to avoid loss of the goods during transportation. The frame box can also be stacked at both ends to be loaded in the form of a flat plate, as long as the goods are not Block the hanging points at both ends of the frame box (the distance between the hanging points is usually 2.08 meters), and the general length is around 15 meters. The shipowner can basically accept the application of the cargo owner for loading and importing.


                FLAT RACK

                The English frame cabinet is FLAT RACK, referred to as FR cabinet. The frame cabinet is based on the ordinary cabinet with the top and side walls removed. It is characterized by no top and side walls, sometimes even the end walls are removed, leaving only the bottom plate and four corner posts, which are transported in ultra-standard containers. Plays an important role in it.
