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                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  The suitcase section of shipping:

                  A closed "container" dedicated to transporting ready-made garments. In order to prevent clothing from getting damp and dew on the wall of the box, the box board is generally equipped with an inner lining board. There are steel rods for hanging clothes on the top of the inner box, and some use nets or knots to hang from the top of the box, and the clothes are hung on the nets or knots. This kind of container is equipped with many cross bars on the upper side beams in the box, and a number of belt buckles, nylon buckles or ropes are hung on each of the cross bars. The ready-made clothes are directly hung on the buckles or ropes by the hooks on the hangers.

                  Provide unpackaged transportation for clothing, which not only saves packaging materials and packaging costs, but also reduces manual labor and improves the quality of clothing transportation. The entire modification process can be completed in 1-3 hours, which is convenient and fast! And it will not have any impact on the shipping company's containers at all!


                GARMENT CONTAINER

                A closed "container" dedicated to transporting ready-made garments. In order to prevent clothing from getting damp and dew on the wall of the box, the box board is generally equipped with an inner lining board. There are steel rods for hanging clothes on the top of the inner box, and some use nets or knots to hang from the top of the box, and the clothes are hung on the nets or knots.
