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                The company’s party committee central group organized the third special study meeting

                2021-04-15 17:40:49 7

                On the morning of August 26, the Party Committee of Logistics Co., Ltd. organized the third special study meeting. Members of the company's party and government team and all party members of the headquarters participated in the study meeting. The general manager of the company presided over the special study meeting. At the meeting, the deputy general manager conveyed the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in Investigating and Investigating Issues in the Educational Practice Activities of ** Batches and Carrying out Critical Links” issued by the Leading Group of the Party’s Mass Line Education Practice Activities Regarding the issue of "wind", the work of soliciting opinions from all subordinate companies has been deployed again. The general manager and the deputy general manager respectively combined their own learning experience and the actual situation in charge of the work, and talked freely about the development of the party’s group
