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              1. <blockquote id='Sxx4UG'><q id='Sxx4UG'><noscript id='Sxx4UG'></noscript><dt id='Sxx4UG'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='Sxx4UG'><i id='Sxx4UG'></i>
                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  We can provide shippers with Mercedes-Benz heavy tractors, GOLDHOLFER self-propelled hydraulic flatbed trucks with 240 axes, Shanghai horizontal hydraulic trucks with 120 axes, 350-ton hydraulic intaglio 6 groups, a 75-ton Sany truck crane, and a 25-ton crane. Three groups of 300-ton frame. 550-ton bridge-type one set and other various hoisting equipment, lashing tools and various auxiliary machinery are fully equipped.


                MODULAR TRAILER

                We can provide shippers with Mercedes-Benz heavy tractors, GOLDHOLFER self-propelled hydraulic flatbed trucks with 240 axes, Shanghai horizontal hydraulic trucks with 120 axes, 350-ton hydraulic intaglio 6 groups, a 75-ton Sany truck crane, and a 25-ton crane. Three groups of 300-ton frame. 550-ton bridge-type one set and other various hoisting equipment, lashing tools and various auxiliary machinery are fully equipped.
