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                • Details

                  Our company is a modern integrated logistics service provider for global import and export cargo transportation.

                  Marine parts and heavy gondolas:

                  Mainly provide bulk ships, heavy lift ships, and lashing of cargo entering the port area, mainly to carry various steel structures, heavy mechanical equipment, various engineering vehicles, various steel materials, wind power station equipment, power station equipment, and complete sets of civil engineering Equipment, wind energy equipment, special non-powered barges, port cranes, locomotives, subways, yachts, and the transportation of oversized and oversized goods and commodities.

                  Own a skilled and precise logistics service team, from the document center to the terminal cargo loading and unloading construction, with more than 13 years of experience in the terminal's first-line cargo loading and unloading operations, and can provide customers with a single piece of machinery of up to 2,000 tons at the Shanghai port. Product import and export logistics transportation service business, from providing one-stop customs declaration and inspection, cargo loading and unloading reinforcement and other work complete transportation services.


                BREAKBULK & BIG LIFT

                Mainly provide bulk ships, heavy lift ships, and lashing of cargo entering the port area, mainly to carry various steel structures, heavy mechanical equipment, various engineering vehicles, various steel materials, wind power station equipment, power station equipment, and complete sets of civil engineering Equipment, wind energy equipment, special non-powered barges, port cranes, locomotives, subways, yachts, and the transportation of oversized and oversized goods and commodities.
